Thursday, August 26, 2010

Romantic Relationship

Romantic Relationship

The Woman of my dreams: I am the Man of her Dreams; I Love to Be with Her in All Situations and Circumstances, Intellectually, Emotionally and Physically. She is Attractive, Physically Fit. She has a Great Hot Body, Beautiful, Sexy, Sensuous,. She is Smart, Intelligent, Funny, Fun to be with, She loves to be with & do things with Me. Inspiring, Connected, Partnership, Communication, Comfortable Silence, Up to Something, Happy, Fun, Generous, Compassion, Open, Vulnerable, Powerful, Courageous, A Demand for Our Greatness and a Stand we have it All, She is Straight in Communication, She is Her Word, I am Totally In-Love with Her and all She is and stands for, She is Flawless to me She is Caring, Considerate, Loving & Committed, Healthy, Passionate, Clear, Contribution, Friend, Lover, Free, Companion, Coach, Coachable, She is Adventurous & Creative, Family, Responsible, Confident, Integrity, The One, Peaceful, Accepting

Life Partner

Travel, Work, Live we Love being together. Living our life together being 100% responsible for who we are and 0 expectations of each other. Choosing each other and creating our lives together moment by moment always a new beginning. Promising to always say what’s there for us not withholding our thoughts once we are aware of them. Never Knowing how or what each others reaction will be and not stopping ourselves with any fear in communication. Open to learn from and teach each other. Committed to our Greatness.

Creating and enjoying life we are a contribution making a positive difference with everyone we come in contact with. Sharing our knowledge with others always learning and training ourselves to train and teach others.

Our Past is in the Past. We create our future from nothing and we have everything and anything we create. We are the source of our future together.

Our Commitment is to ourselves and each other. We cause and create each other always we honor our word as our Self. We are true to our Self and each other. We are One

“We are financially Free, Rich!!!”

Love, Family, Money, Houses and Property

We have it All Health, Wealth, Happiness. Our mind, body and soul are complete nurtured and nourished.